Quick Link Sources to House and Senate Committee Hearings and Other Publications

Part of LLSDC's Legislative Source Book


Free Major Sources:

 House Committees and Senate Committees - websites for current and sometimes previous Congresses with schedules and materials for hearings (written statements & archived webcasts) and bill mark ups as well as press releases and other publications

Congress.govCommittees of the U.S. Congress - multiple links to committee resources

C-Span - Congress (live hearings). Search Video Library for archived webcasts from 2003

GovInfo Congressional Committee Materials for most all Congressional hearings and committee prints from 107th Cong. (2001 –) as well as other publications with many committees having earlier materials

GovInfo Committee web pages for government publications arranged by each Congressional committee

GovInfo Congressional Reports and Congressional Documents from 105th Cong. (1995 –) all numbered within a Congress and with retrieval by citation capability)

Hathi Trust Digital Library for thousands digitized hearings, prints, etc. from the 19th Century to near present

Rutgers University Law Library – U.S. Congressional Documents Collection (1973-1995)


Major Commercial Sources:

 Bloomberg Government has CQ transcripts, BNA newsl'trs, Williams & Jensen hearing overviews.

CQ Testimony and Transcripts (prepared testimony & selected Q&A transcripts - 1990 to present.

Factiva.com has selected prepared testimony and Q&A transcripts.

HeinOnline U.S. Cong. Documents (thousands of published hearings, primarily 1983 to current)

Lexis Advance see "Congressional Hearings (1824 to current)" – has most all published hearings

Lexis Advance see "Federal News Service" - has selected committee hearing transcripts

Proquest Cong. Hearings Digital Collection (1824 to Present with CIS indices, most all hearings)

Westlaw U.S. Congressional Testimony (written or prepared testimony from 1993; no Q&As)

Westlaw's U.S. GAO Federal Legislative Histories (related hearings to U.S. public laws, 1924-1995)


Maintained by Emily Carr and Rick McKinney
Please email your questions or comments to the Legislative SIS.
Last updated: July 1, 2019

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